Thursday, April 15, 2010

Spring flowers

Wow it has been way too long since my last post. There has been so much going on, a truly crazy year. The past few weeks have been especially busy, stressful, exhausting, you name it. This past Monday I lost my Grandfather, a wonderful man who seemed to know everyone everywhere he went and if there was someone there that he didn't know, by the time he left they seemed as if they were old friends. He always had a way of making people feel special, make them happy. He had been in the hospital the last few weeks and was being attended to by a great nursing staff. They really treated him kindly and with respect.

Ok, so your probably wondering where the food comes into all this right? I mean really, it is a food blog. Well my Grandmother wanted to do something nice for the nurses who cared for not only my Grandfather, but us. They brought us snacks and drinks, pillows and blankets, made sure we were holding up well. Gram was going to buy those Edible Arrangements for each shift, but those come with a hefty price tag, so I made them instead. They came out pretty well, especially the big basket. I made a large basket for first shift since they have a larger crew and a smaller pot of "flowers" for each the second and third shifts. Let me know what you think.